This browser contains risk gene predictions from mantis-ml for the following disorders:
- Autism spectrum disorder - Monoallelic
- Developmental delay - Biallelic
- Developmental delay - Monoallelic
- Developmental and epileptic encephalopathy - Biallelic
- Developmental and epileptic encephalopathy - Monoallelic
If you use the mantis-ml NDD predictions in your work, please cite the below publication:
Genome-wide prediction of dominant and recessive neurodevelopmental disorder risk genes. Ryan S Dhindsa, Blake Weido, Justin S Dhindsa, Arya J Shetty, Chloe Sands, Slavé Petrovski, Dimitrios Vitsios, Anthony W Zoghbi
bioRxiv 2022.11.21.517436; doi: